

Here in the southwestern desert at Desert Life Design, we use graphic design, photography, and creative writing to create a compelling call-to-action.

Xeriscape lessons

by Doug Martin
Desert Life Design™

I am not a landscaper, but I have always loved to design and work in my landscape. It's a pleasant break from the usual deadlines and time-constraints inherent in the graphic design business.

Below, you will see a few things I've done in my xeriscape right here in the southwestern United States. I'll share tips I've learned to save water all while creating an aesthetically appealing landscape!

3 ways to tell if your ocotillo is dead or alive!

I love all the ocotillo plants in my landscape (I have three!). However, when I first planted these rugged, thorny-but-beautiful desert creations, I thought it had died on me! Maybe you had that same frustrating experience. Fortunately, I discovered a few easy ways to tell if your ocotillo plant is alive or dead!. Read to see if your ocotillo can be saved.

How to prune the Argentine giant cactus

It really bothers me when the long arms of my Argentine giant cactus begin to lean over. Their massive, fluid-filled, bulky arms get too top-heavy and start to sprawl along the ground.

While we can't fix that sprawling characteristic, we can cut off the long arm and replant it. Read how I prune my Argentine giant cactus, and also how I get a new, free cactus for my efforts!

See photos of dynamic cactus flowers in my photos section!

How to grow the soaptree yucca

If you'd like a touch of the Wild West in your landscape, try growing a soaptree yucca. It is an incredibly easy xeriscape plant to grow! It thrives in terrible soils, tolerates extremely high desert temperatures, and it drought-tolerant! What more could you ask?

See more photos of dynamic Argentine giant cactus flowers in my photos section!

Desert Life Design

Desert Life Design™ is based in the Phoenix, Arizona metro area. Here, we strive for perfection in graphic design and concise written communications.